Summer 3v3 THERE Euro NATIONS CUP (Unreal Tournament 2004)
The registration is open for the Euro tournament for UT2004 called Open TAM Nations Cup 3V3 Summer 2017.As the name implies, this tournament assumes that the participants are national teams. Already entered teams from England, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Not the best compositions, I must say. Partly because anyone can declare himself captain, and bring along two friends to the team) basically, guys are stronger, too, can catch up, after all, and allowed multiple teams from the same country to exhibit. Registration until 2 July, the games will start from 9 July. Offer our fans of the regime THERE to form teams of 3 people to participate.
Read more about the tournament:
Check the teams here:
Ness_ wrote:
Net Code Disabled
tolerostem druku type of phobia and Smale finally given the green light, these without netcode drag IMHO
it remains only to announce a Amnesty sergeants with the EVAs, to tighten the heads of the accountant gummy with predisone, to push through Nauta in Orgy pleasing for dropping out of the crutches of undesirables and walk the Grand parade tolerastov Euro the cemetery ut