You see the difference? (Fallout 4)
Downstairs has 3 triples of the same screenshots, but with different graphics settings. Please tell me if there's any difference?Quality of textures: average
The quality of extra textures: no
Texture quality: ultra
The quality of extra textures: no
Texture quality: ultra
The quality of extra textures: ultra
If you had 4K Monique maybe you would have noticed the difference.
Although as has been written above the Gazebo in this context is always merged enough to remember Texture Pack for Skyrim.
To see the difference put fashion.
For example here you will see the difference.
Alexander Pushkin almost
here is the problem: I put armor from the workshop of the future of Batman, Batgirl and Arkham Knight is all-in-one fashion. Here. The quality of the armor, kind of depends on the quality of the textures in the game. But I'm not sure. So I decided to put the texture quality higher. And then I noticed that there is no difference in the game, and the armor is kind of better has become.
There is no difference, but for a true grafodrocher (not me) will love the difference will be noticeable
school of the warp and JPEG smoothing
also if the video card a little more texture memory can neografika. 2GB they already are nedogruza
as the buildings myltse Yes
and so on are presented as the difference is not visible
but in low resolution with myltse I like, too, don't really catch the difference between 1K and 4K texture
You know, I didn't notice. Folic locked at 60 FPS (on the plane), and as I had 60 and left of 60 (I have GTX1070).Eats memory up to 4 GB, I installed a ready-made Repack with HD pack.
Here's three screen.
You should at least describe your configuration. And then play with 1280X720 resolution and I want some HD textures?
I had gtx950 2Gb, so ultra textures, I also have not seen. Now gtx1060 6Gb, and the difference in picture with different settings vesma tangible, though I have horrible resolution: 1440X900.
From this we can conclude that ultra textures you just don't fit in memory and the game shows that lack of resources of the computer.