A tip on the House of memories (Fallout 4)
I have a small and maybe stupid question. But still.How to get a tip about a house of memories?
This task can be performed only if you have not yet saved nick.
Pretty strange logic of the creators. Then why was it set up?
Just go there and get your experience and cover do not want. I want to get a tip that it was in the framework of common sense and the history of the narrative.
But who the hell can give a tip? At the combat area, and the subway gave a tip to diamond city. Maybe the house of memories will give?
I went there before saved nick. I asked him to put me to sleep and to see again the scene of abduction(based on the fact that all of a sudden I missed something important). Then when you try to talk to the doctor, she will reply something like I'm Sorry you had to relive it again.
If I understand correctly, aiming is not necessary. You will be given a quest when you speak with the doctor about it.
You people don't understand.
The seller of dreams --- the plot to rescue nick, you can in the neighborhood will not fall. And after saving this quest you're doing.
Zombie, who told you to go there? Where in your head the idea to go to a good neighborhood? And especially in the house of memories to come. Are you in the story in diamond city to go and look for nick, and then immediately go to save him. No one told you about neighborliness, kind of.
Okay never mind, perhaps I'm just over-thinking it.
ahanovskiy wrote:
The seller of dreams --- the plot to rescue nick, you can in the neighborhood will not fall.
Quest House memories
When you kill Kellogg.in his head he will find implant,Nick will tell you that you can see the implant in the house of memories.
I pereprohodil the game and decided that it would be if... well, you understand. I do not deny that someone could just stumble on good-neighborliness and get the same scene. It is not necessary that someone flew your hand to the target.
And who said that without the quest not interesting ?..
Go and explore - it's an interesting experience of communication with the local inhabitants ... Interesting to take a job in a local Hotel.
If you really want to go ridiculous, then no history with Nick Valentine is not enough.
ahanovskiy wrote:
This task can be performed only if you have not yet saved nick.
Pretty strange logic of the creators.
The pickup on this mission no, but you can not miss, especially if only. Before you set for Valentine's, give the job the Path of freedom. Come to the Park, and listen to what tells the robot guide, about the travel Path of freedom, path of red bricks that begins at the Park and ends at bunker hill, where, by the way, you meet a Deacon and a third time, before meeting with Subway. Just knowing the game some moments can be missed, for example not to clean up Faneuil Hall that would it two times not cleaned then another on the instructions of the grasshopper. And for the first time intuitively do you get a job and visit the marked places, which you receive to rescue Valentine.
the main dilemma: either to go clear on the campaign mode, or crawl across the map simultaneously doing all sorts of quests.
in the second embodiment, it is possible to stumble on good-neighborliness ( search subway leads direct to the gate for example, or during the descent to the shelter 114 and accidental discovery of nick)
a further alternative passage for
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