In his career, almost nothing has changed, as the ball passes through players, your bots ruined game, and rivals all Curry!!!!!
You, for some reason, there were 2 types.....can't skip the cut scenes(for it to kill do Nada)..... etc.....
Conclusion :
NBA finally turned to FIFA, it is possible for all that crap to release patches every six months and not pitching like a new game!!!!
Those who nachteil before the patch of course remains, but the new chitakov not yet in sight, until they refresh the table. And yet in the new patch the picture start to twitch. FPS dropped to 5-10, and throw a green stripe has become much more difficult.
Experiences more negative than positive....they have no competitors - that they are doing everything in a slipshod manner....restricted pumping to online, came up with a different story and spoiled driblling - all this can be fixed with PATCHES, but not the release of a new game!!!!!!!
The same stupid AI from teammates, throws through a forest of hands, regularly spotting player with the penalty of articles 84, goes through the season with an average of 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the same time, Deandre or Drummond regularly deliver you from 5-6's PPC.....and with the fouls of full joints, really your Tim is only doing fouls.....
PS this is all IMHO, of course....but this sadness is not worth buying only on sale and at half price......
About may Tim not write, not play.....maybe everything is fine.....
Alex Maksimenko
I do not know. I play on Hall of Fame and it's been fine. Are unhappy only because replaced signature size up crossover's of NBA 2k16