FUEL fatal error (FUEL)
http://i.playground.ru/i/32/23/25/00/pix/image.jpgCan knows what to do with this error
Fuel is a game http://www.playground.ru/redirect/
At least someone knows how to solve this fatal error? Wool a net is not helping. NOWHERE answer how to solve this't.
And I used to play normally was, but somehow after the next install...
GreyArgonianточно the same error it was due to the rotten Games For Windows LIFE system is not friendly
ALL WHO HAVE THIS ERROR (Please make sure your hardware is supported by this application.Please refer to the ReadMe file.(WinLivenetPlayManager_Z))DO SO!!!
for perestroika perestanavlivat him swing away go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=98609
downloaded,installed,launched,after starting out the same garbage your (needs GFWL hotfix for Windows XP)
push the button,go to the page click on (the necessary fix Windows XP) select language Russian ,download the hotfix that is installed.....restarting the comp.....go in the game, and TADAM!!!!!!!!
I do not know exactly will help or not but I figured I personally have helped if long over change the priority.