Ultimate Edition,Special Edition and launcher (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Tell me what exactly is the difference between these editions,on the website rock description very poor,and whether has sense to buy the Ultimate Edition if I mult not interesting.For example in the description of the console version on the other site everything is clear and understandable.
Special Edition
Ultimate Edition
And another question regarding the launcher,if I will buy the incentive is launcher rock will still have to run,just like with games yubikov.
If you have the ability and desire to pay bonuses in multiplayer mode in the form: 3 weapons, 1 horse , 1 costume, + a crash experience , please.
He took special edition, but also noted:
Experience: for example, in gta5 experience is average. 120 level is taken slowly, and then his figure is not affected. I don't think there is a difference in that You reach level 25 within 4 weeks 6.In fact after you reach 25, it will be one less reason to stay in the game.
Clothes: if only decorative in nature , it is not necessary to pay. And if you increase any performance for the first time ( if in the future everything will be equal ) , it is possible.
Horse: She is the fastest ? Or is it about the visual ? Again, if fast, then in the first stages or always ?
Weapons: I'm interested in PVE. I do not think that will be much better than others. ( For example, a GTA 5 online gave granotomet manual that you can use on a motorcycle. Hey guys it is, but brings an imbalance To the fun in PVE is interesting but not in comparison to other players is not fair. Especially when I had it in the beginning of the game, and my friend was only a gun and some PP )
I don't know about the site, not looking, and in the launcher, as for me, it's pretty clearly set out. Differences only 4 and they are all only for network mode. For the single company version is no different.
Thank you all,now it is clear that the Ultimate Edition of sense to take is not.
The question remains about the launch of steam.t.e. if you still have a rock launcher to run then it hemorrhoids and easier to take.
Simpler and more profitable. The price is the same, but still, for pre-order, give two games, and buns for a single company. Launcher not 150 GB of weighs and the icon will not be full desktop.
saa0891 wrote:
if you still have a rock launcher to run
He zapuskaetsya.
I then asked whether it is possible that GTA5 to move to lunch from steam. Maybe with time that the thread will do with it, lunch it was only in September started this.
X X Ishimura wrote:
The price is the same, but still, for pre-order, give two games, and buns for a single company.
Sorry only game I don't need,the GTA series is not interesting at all,and the third is max and so is (well, at least buns and that's okay),anyway I will take the prophets,hemorrhoids with two launchers are even worse.
potter790 wrote:
He zapuskaetsya.
Yes, that is what it is in any case necessary and indispensable.
saa0891 wrote:
Yes, that is what it is in any case necessary and indispensable.
Well, Yes. No matter with the stim of the same. If you start with lunch, first start steam and then the game. Therefore, it is better to take lunch, without intermediaries. :)
parmon wrote:
Horse: She is the fastest ? Or is it about the visual ? Again, if fast, then in the first stages or always ?
All the bonuses of the ultimate editions of very much help beginners. For example, a pump-action shotgun I used for a very long time, the volcanic pistol carry with me to this day. But the horse, of course, is not the best. Speed is one of the fastest, but average endurance is also inferior to many on overclocking. And it is a race that I don't much like it. But any comparison did not go with what is offered online initially, of course.
I advise you to take a red Arabian stallion with elite handling, as he appears: he had max. speed only 1 point less than the horse's bonus, but for all other parameters, he wins. And is inexpensive.
Weapon you can always open the level and to buy, but the clothes are unique, Yes. The theme for the camp is nothing special (there are much better, especially if you pumped a dealer), about a racehorse said. So think, whether to overpay for this suit, other and so represented in the picture in the launcher:
For singles it is enough for the special edition. Standard cut to take it (when it appears) is not recommended for those who fully want to enjoy all the content.
And about the pre-order bonuses: a combat horse is much inferior to the bonus of spella on har-Kam, a set of bandit is not infinite(hawk for horses, tonics, health in the bag).
50 bars for online - have something significant and 35 of them it is possible to spend immediately for membership in the gold club to receive buns (the club is open until 18 November, the PC - don't know) , 15 for receiving one of the roles(merchant, of trateratra, bountyhunter).
Well, a treasure map bonus, which somehow passed by the owners of the physical editions on the consoles, even the maximum. In fact, it +2K cash in a single. and of course, additional exploring.
Decide to pre-order now in the launcher from Rockstar, where the special is sold at a price of standard, and ultimate price specila or wait for the incentive at a higher price and without buns for pre-order.