Difference performance at different resolutions.
Want to buy a new monitor, and have chosen a VA2431wma, like a good thing with a resolution of 1920x1080, at the moment I have is a Benq 925hda with a resolution of 1366x768.Of course putting a new monitor and higher resolution, many games will give a slightly worse fps.
But the question is - how much? Playing recently in Battlefield 3, Max Payne 3 and the last Starcraft. Much lower performance changing the resolution?
full HD, twisted thing I have in GTA 4 c 1920*1080 at 30-40 FPS, but if 1280*720 the FPS of 40-60
Fatum Sibir
shit you look for that kind of money have the monitor on IPS to buy. And performance will fall 2 times.
Bought va2447 led, happy as an elephant, the picture quality is great, performance in games has dropped but in the 5-10 per cent, and not talking about and after comparison with Fraps'om.
the theme of the performance hit when increasing the resolution lost its relevance for the iron so with the 2008-9 year.
modern Igors native resolution rendering is not the cause of performance degradation.
the level of antialaising roughly corresponds to the increased order of the images but increases demands roughly at uber resolutions.
the rest of the picture on the middle card will be about this
MunchkiN 616
garbage, I had bought a 1080p fps and 1440p in BF4 at 30 fell.
The Dark Lord
Here also thought to 1440p but go for the fall performance yet either , that's when you switched from 1080 to 1440 was it worth it? How big the difference was just in the games ? It is about 27
I when BF3 first launched on the 4890,then the reduction in the resolution order in a couple of steps and 1680x1050 with anti-aliasing enabled MSAAx4 fps has not changed.
Checked today, going to take full hd, and while playing on 1360-768, GTA 5, fps really increased, the lag was gone, and the picture in 4K is simply divine, far cry4 similar situation, but there are fps slightly hooked, kompensiruet drop from ultra to very high, and as a result more and more beautiful because of full hd, even at high unlike 1360-768(ultra), in short there certainly can not be-if the schedule means anything for you in games then there is definitely full hd