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DovakiinGopnik 20.05.20 10:24 am

Glyukanutaya Viking Conquest (Mount & Blade)

Help, people solve the problem with the mod for vikingov!

Start the game, select the DLC is loaded.
Click New game.
And then the game suffered!
Configure, then click Continue.
Throws to the main menu
Dear experts, attention a question:
What in the light of a miracle?
Oh, not the text.
Guys, what to do?
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DovakiinGopnik 20.05.20

Version Warband 1.168, version 2.002 DLC

Teg_15 20.05.20

Seen this before. Helped reinstall Warband'a and DLS. From other sources try to download. Or if you do not mind the money, the incentive to buy.