The balance of the game (Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos)
In the game, different races have different units, if you take the night elves giants they will make the Tauren from the orcs, what then is the balance? Due to what are balanced different characteristics of units of different races?tvoi vonuchie velikani ne vinesut taurenov vo pervih, vo vtorih tvoi vonuchie velikani stoyat dorozhe, v tretih esli bi bilbi realno disbalans i rasa bila odna bi bi ee silnee to other bi tolko i vse spamili, uvi tak mozhet i pokazatsya na pg ibo ud tut top 1 rasa ibo samaya prostaya dlya rakov's apm80. no esli vzglyanut normalnih na igrokov to tam vse rassi ispolzuutsya, takchto balans est
but the giants HP and damage more, the balance is - what it is specifically, maybe the Orc casters are good and so are on a par with the giants and giants have more food? more specifically. that is one race compared to another and what is not
warcraft odna iz samih uznavaemih igr. igra v kotoruu igrali 10 let i do sih por igraut nektr, igra po bilo ktr over 9999 tournament wonder. eslibi u nee nebilo balansa to ona ne bi imelabi takih rezultatov, i rasuzhdat tipo alya a vot rab u nezhite silnee chem u orka mozhno beskonechno i nikchemu ne privedet