Bug. Account with factions not rising (Expeditions: Viking)
I have a bug account with factions not rising after execution in the log that the ratio has increased but the Chronology is not increased who knows how to solve ?Any way, I have only on a second playthrough started in Britain relationship to change.
Can edit the saves, but (for the edge not least I have(maybe a bug of some sort)) relations have no effect.
Just when the ratio is less than 20 then they are not visible on the scale. It will be visible only if you raise to 20 or decrease to -20.
Malenkiy Osminojek
Now I have 2 mission Fir in the log showed that the ratio improved for the first time on 15 the second for 10 and still nothing
in this state of the game turnip under Crete. the threshold is not displayed-the game is not affected-at a certain accumulation of turnip it is graphically displayed....IMHO all hnya is not needed-hammer-enough to trade with someone and extra quests with the growth of turnips I saw only when I took the quest on the heads ...and then I think it would give
in the third turnip patch tweaked,but again said +- 20 visually may not appear,but the gopher is))