Eternal download to save (Expeditions: Viking)
Help with the problem. I have two save my game one AutoSave and another quick save, but they both don't work(stupid infinite loading). In my documents the save in place if you start a new game save is loaded without problems. Disk space is.What could be the problem, I went to start it all over againWith a good computer configuration, I have some sites loaded in about two minutes. Reinstalled on the ssd drive. loaded much faster.
Oleg Piskunov
anyone who has ANY!!! games long are loaded sohranki-record on the wall))) delete superfluous(or bakapit) in a separate place,place 5-10 pieces last.
Tried to delete the game and save? Then again to install, start, play until the first save, turn off the game, tossed the preservation is removed from the game.
The problem is solved? Still can't get rid of the dead freezes when you try to go to any camp. In General, the rest like loading.
the same trouble arose after the recruitment of fighters in Ribe, removed all who were hired have verified that entering the camps and there is no problem, then the new hired, the problem does not recur, remember what you were doing last before the problem and try to change