\"Touch\" Netral. Bug (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Netral just standing there in the imperturbable posture, with axe on shoulder and fights. Attack hounds of the Wild Hunt, and he just stands there. When he loses one section of health, teleports to the center of arena and arcs up to the ice field. As I recall, it needs to get down on one knee, but he's still in the same calm pose. Moreover, after I kill all the hounds, an ice field around Nitrile does not disappear. He continues to shout the phrase in lipscom and just stands there, shrouded in the field. Keir hammer in this field of lightning, but as you can guess, nothing happens. What can you do? The game is the latest version with all the additions. Tried to restart, doesn't help. Can anyone come across?Assassins11148
Pereprohodil 3 times on GOG License, and have never seen such..
Trivial question, but still; you Repack?
License. GOG-Version. The latest version (1.12.1), all DLC (16 free) and the global Supplement heart of Stone
I did not meet such codes, which would kill the character (although can be such and is). In addition, the interest is lost in such a passing game. If I don't find other ways to solve the problem, you have to consider that option
still there.
and this in your description Caranthir, not Netral some...
not, there is Mitral... strange, but I about it already and forgot, so at almost the beginning of the game... the road to the final projection will be faced with a warrior of the Wild Hunt – Nitrile. Fight conventionally will take place in three stages, each of which ends with the appearance of hounds and full restoration of health Nitrile under the impenetrable shield. Try to attack the enemy simultaneously with Keir and to use the "Quen", to protect yourself from quick strikes Nitrile. it 3 times regeneration
Game pass not for the first time. I know that Netral takes place in three stages, but I'm telling you, he's just standing in the rack with the axe on the shoulder and after I kill all the hounds, his shield disappears and he just stands there. And in the battle (before he will surround himself with a shield) he just stands there and does not is protected
Of course, I can give you a save, but I think it will do nothing. The bug will remain, and you are wrong
How? To load a save game before the game starts? It was quite a long time. Very sorry to lose the progress
already there was a similar case in humans, then, I got rid of saving I killed Nitrile preserved and threw his preservation after the murder, he continued to run the game, it was a bug netral in the protective armor stood it in the game bug, I have no such problems, so if you need I can help, other options I do not see
in the console recruit killall or copy from here and paste in console
in short, if it is then how to prescribe the console do not die, then Yes, a bug...