Those problems and optimization (Paragon)
Faced with such a problem : in the game 3D resolution is reset to 66.7%( resolution of 1920x1080), whatever is not exposed. This problem and green and red on win7 x64. Who have a similar situation post - may be there is a solution...with off of the forum:
Hit the Windows key + R. You'll get a small box. Type Appdata into that box.
Click Local. Find the folder named OrionGame.
Click the Saved folder and then the Config folder. Then the WindowsClient folder.
Open the GameUserSettings.ini in a notepad. At the Bottom, you will see a line of text that says, LastRecommendedScreenHeight=xxxx.000000
Change the X's to the desired resolution. Mine is 1080.000000
Save and exit and you're done.
helped me, now does not fly
Comes to screensavers Paragon,the bottom line is loaded,indicator live.Waited more than 10 minutes,nothing is downloaded,removed via the Manager,tried again,same shit,hanging more than 10 minutes.
I have a problem who knows help,comes to download with the music and the words Paragon and all don't eject just yet via ship Manager, not kill.
almost 90% using the process of the game,the system Celeron(R) Dual-Core CPU T3500 @ 2.10 GHz, RAM 6GB Gforse gt 320m 1gb
The problem with the download of the actual , finished watching the episode of your favorite series(45 minutes) , the download has not passed))) Who solved the problem??
Guys, change the computers to new! Or at least read the minimum requirements for the game. Oh, my God.
How this error be circumvented? The first time I was there the game was 500 metres and this szukam did not want to put it, until I freed 20 GB
Downloaded on the ps 4 pro, picked a hero, did everything, but when the battle begins, the camera hangs in the air above the towers, the timer does not go, and creeps can't see, although the game itself goes and sounds kills, and so I hear. Tell me what to do?
The same shit as you. The demolition of the game did not help sales all appdata and documents have been cleaned, nothing has changed, registered new ACC - dick there changes. Every time I go and hang in the air, as long as people enjoy the game. Epic - fag crap
Change your stuff to iron normal, then everything will work. At least i5 3.4 mg RAM 8-16GB and the video card on 4GB.