Crashes after loading first mission (Prey (2017))
Hi all,I can not understand why crashes after loading the first mission.
Can anyone help?
Thank you
You need to check the computers and software for correct operation.
For more specific and clear advice first describe the problem specifically and clearly.
I have
I5 6600K
GTX 970
FOR all the latest.
Start the game, choose new game, then difficulty, then character. then begins the download. comes to the end and error process has been completed and all
Apparently it's in the system,try Windows update,if that doesn't help,then fuck knows,disable AntiVir if there is,in General, and background all potrubi.
Yes, the problem is not only you, me too, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 also crashes when loading.
Try to revert to before traveling version. On overah already discussed.
In General, Windu decided to put on the new, as not been updated and everything works