What is binary?
I decided to ask you this question. But let's get one thing straight: without Wikipedia, Google and the like. I know what it is, because it is required in the work, but I'm curious how exactly do you imagine the definition of a binary file. Expect a pile and a pack of wrong answers.So what is a binary file?
The raft twist. Open the spoiler after octostim your answer, otherwise not interested.
Spoilerville all somehow believe that binary is a file with samovolnoy code, such as EXE or DLL. In fact, the binary file is called a sequence of bytes in a binary code. That is, any file. Absolutely any, for code of any file can be represented in binary, decimal or hexadecimal code. But we generally are using a hexadecimal code (i.e. HEX code), since it is the most easy to understand.
And now the incorrect representation of the binary is already so deeply ingrained in the minds of men that the folder with the executable files of the games for a long time began to be called bin or binaries.
file extension bin usually a files. file and file group source code or an EXE, a dynamic library, the latter often in everyday understanding.
Binary (binary) file — in a broad sense: a sequence of arbitrary bytes. The name is due to the fact that bytes consist of bits, i.e., binary (PDF. binary) digits.
In the narrow sense of the word binary files are contrasted to text files. From the point of view of technical realization at the level of instruments, text files are a special case of binary files, and thus, in the broad meaning of the definition of "binary file" matches any file.
Often binary files are called executable files and compressed data is, however, incorrect to limit the concept.
This simple question will answer every person who has ever opened any book on programming.