Preston Garvey and Strudies obkololsya (Fallout 4)
Pisani, Preston Garvey and his buddy hang out on the roof of the building, this chip developers or they are under the screw permanently?Had to build scaffolding and jump every time from the scaffolding on the roof to talk to them.
there is fix what, maybe my game is broken?
But in addition to Carla's nobody in the centre of Sanctuary comes. And this goat will forever stand up and squints at the sides, suspiciously red eyes:)
Love is just waiting to what the thread steal!
Spies zhy Institutskii + among the homeless and even the brahmin zaslantsy synths, although there are just synths fugitives.
God, it's a hundred so it was.. But I repeat:
In the game the NPC placement is the method of projection to the surface. If selected for placement is a structure with a roof, the game places NPC on the first comer of the surface, e.g. the roof. And the game does not care who she projects to embed: of Strudies, brahmin or Preston Garvey. On the roof of the sanctuary can get absolutely any NPC, in addition to the robot guards, because they cannot be accommodated in the premises and they were not projects.
In later versions of the game, the developers have tried to correct the mistakes of placement. Now the brahmin could be inside the house in a tiny room where they can't get out by yourself and are moving there in a cage. However, mistakes still happen. Asylum 81 PS still projected not inside the shelter, and on its roof, causing the player does not have access to the roof for a long time not to find some teammates who were sent to live in a Shelter.
It is recommended to rebuild the Shelter so that the point of placing NPCs or were out of the buildings of the Asylum, or have been readily available for YEARS. Because there have been cases...