Redux Windows 10 Pro (Grand Theft Auto 5)
people put Windows 10, put Redux and when loading Gta online wrote:are you trying to join online using a modified version of the game, I press OK and nothing happens, on Windows 8.1 everything was fine. What could be wrong???
you online also to zabanyat can for file changes, you th no fumble, you just to change and neither the fact, and Redux your changes any config file games, better snice Redux if you don't want to be sabanin, you can power net light fix to put it does not replace any file of the game )
can download Repack separately to put in it Redux and online any how )
I explain, I have steam license, but Windows 8.1 was a pirate, redux worked, switched to the licensed version of Windows 10, and perestala start.
Online work and never will due to the fact that a lot of replaced original files that change the game physics and the behavior of bots. Redux created just for singles.