Boston fighters (Assassin's Creed 3)
I defeated all the fighters and now we have to go to the brewery for the tournament.where is that brewery??????I got into a fight on the Frontier with one, and second where to look?
When Boston moved, there was a message, to find someone there (to fight, I understand, to get into the fight club), but where I do not understand.
Can't score Kanechika (((((((.Two hours tried-no effect! No counterattack fails,neither conventional nor kick disarmament((( Che to do with it? Anyone passed it?
need the counter to do around interactive objects, barrels and tables (machines).
these items are highlighted. to disarm an enemy 5 times? Press E and then SHIFT their weapons fall from his hands but nothing sesitive!
How to beat Kanechika? All easy to beat, but it does. Or if he dodges hit, or counterattack to my counterattack. And why is not shown on the map where you want to carry the collected items (quest bag is indicated)
when above him, a red triangle lights up - kontratakuje and press spacebar, then LMB until you win ))))))
there are Tables and Barrels around them, get up and wait until he attacks nagamese only E and you beat it on the table or barrel. to disarm an enemy 5 times? Press E and then SHIFT their weapons fall from his hands but nothing sesitive!
I also press E then SPACE ...Weapon drops but not count..
thanks for the advice Fr1313 : when the sailor, a red triangle appears over the head to press E and spacebar and immediately throw it. torment I him.
but where to go after all has passed? it was written like a brewery but I don't know where it is and is not on the map
Tell me how to kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds under cover of a smoke bomb?
To find in a large group of patrol (more than five people), climb to roof, jump into the center of the group (no killing), throw a bomb under him five times and make an attack hidden blade, taking aim at the next enemy is still the animation of the assassination of the previous.
the described problem?