Help with two quests. (Tales of Berseria)
The first omega elixir,in a swampy area,there seems on tableborder need to fly, but the point to run is not found.The second note from kotegov they say come to us.The city's name is forgotten,but is a city on the way to the village velvet right?Where they there to look for?And on which part of the quest for omega it? on the 4th ingredient? Which is hidden in location Forest davehall? If Yes, then it is necessary to find trees with fruits that match the color of the occurring smoke, eat the fruit and pass. And so to the place where ingredient.
Yes Cotag's just sent to the village of koterov is Taliesin. the city which is a member of on the way to his native village Corduroy
DarT-de-KenwooDВроде about the second,there was a man to release that bloody ore was mined.And the monster is there to order after which had game level impossible.
Frankly I do not understand what kind of place it. But here is a description of each place with the ingredients.
1.Is lab-Kurogane(the Dude that's for Rokuro swords forged) - there you just have to walk from city Badniks and just find that point in the cave. not required no special tools.
2. Pigalskiy peaks. the nearest city Hellawes. it is necessary through the warehouse at the pier go to the desired point on the map(where the beginning of the game into the city) .( at the final stage of the game you can just walk from the forest)
3. In the location of Berd swamp (Isle where else was there to fight with Teresa (we just need to walk to this place. semibold there and not needed)
4. in the farthest corner of the location Forest Davehall. There will need to pass through the wall of steam that have their own color.Each color talks about what fruit you need to find and eat from the tree that is near a wall of steam. Semibold only facilitate a way back from this location if you walk instead of teleporting.
Now,if you need a link to a YouTube walkthrough of this quest.
DarT-de-KenwooDСпасибо you very much,forest Davehall there I stupidly tried to get across the road Galle.There is a point for a jump semibold is.As a starting point, I have not found.
You are not alone in this... I do not find, though searched and sniffed ALL of the available territory... it Seems that the point is on the other side - and I'm not sure that there is a Forest Davehall(it only has one move through the Ardennes plain or whatever?)... It seems there was a cave there that do not understand how to get...
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
No, and not yet able to start looking... I removed all the save and replay without going to the trainer... So far zero result...
Found at the specified screen location, but one was not found. The invitation has long been there.
Problem solved - as you progress through the quest appeared, come to this catego.