So with the translation? (The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall)
2020... I Want to play, but there's a complicated English. I even the names of the quests are often misunderstood. Put as some Russian - and there names are terrible, like Prdie Sfmw conductive Eucck((Are there adequate translations?
transfer normal, like as not there is because there is orientation on the map attached to the names and the names of scripts are not translated. so it either needs to be a complete Cyrillic or intelligent enough translation with preservation of Latin keywords.
MunchkiN 616
Maybe somewhere a list of words from which names are generated?
You can get it from angelverse and throw in the translated...
What I like is DOS version, it has some unique charm.
I don't want another joyful Skyrim... I like a cosy dungeon daggers. Direct in the game to be nice.
And unity even the game itself is not released, what can we say about the translation... It does not do Russian.
In any case, it's not the same engine and make it not Russian. Its not even released, what can we say about the translation.
Although if they maintain all the details, including speed bumps and its dependence on the skills, i.e. make a working copy, it will be possible adequately to translate the names. Only to wait another ocheeen long...