Thought about getting exclusive content (Grand Theft Auto 5)
Came up with the idea to use the emulator. Has anyone tried if it works?sorry of course but the course is not poluchetsya friend tried sorry of course on March 6 will block duke would like to have in the game
Emulator to run the console version of GTA V, all right.
And what's so funny? Tell me what it is
A little later, you...
On the forum, a year (maybe two) ago, one guy helped with getting ex content
Dukes will block, even those players who have obtained it legally?
There are emulators for ps1 and ps2
Working emulators the ps3 and xbox360 does not exist
All that you will find on the Internet - viruses and broken emulators
Me - the pirate och well. Updated version of the game to the last, and there is exclusive content arrived =)
Thank you very much, I followed from the beginning to look for emulators.
It is a pity that the content is closed, I would like online to use it.
When you write a working emulator - these bonuses for the transfer (and Gta 5) no one will be needed.
There is the idea that the Duke, blister card, etc. thrown in the open sale in March, when they will close the possibility of transferring Persian (6 Mar like - news Rockstar was).
Why not? These cars have long been a stimulus for the migration of a Persian from the old consoles. Now the opportunity goes away, the need for incentive falls off. The players of all the time waiting for the new DLC (which still need to develop), and then - flick of the wrist all Pcri get a new machine. At worst, that previously had characters comrades did not mind - to make transferred to the Persians the cost of these machines is$ 0 (as we did with pisaster the Dominator and other race), and for Pkra already for a money. And everyone will be happy, and the event, and - most importantly - for rock is zero cost. I would have done so. Although logic, of course, everyone has their own :)