To optimize half-life and fps in the game (Homefront)
pioneers - you have the floor!Optimization otlichnaya...
in the online game had a little abated, because there is meat)
Tell me how much better the game to display fps and on what settings,so at least you can judge the optimization.
If I can do that on minimum settings to play on your computer without much performance issues (that was not less than 15-20 fps), or is still terribly slow?
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (1 core)
Sapphire RADEON X1600 PRO (512 mb)
RAM : 1023 mb
the optimization is just terrible..the game manages to slow down no matter what tinctures are...which is The highest in 25 fps which is the lowest in 25...
We are waiting for patches...
I was hoping that the story from Black Ops will not be repeated, but alas
Dunno, I still play in it stalling, now the case will finish and once in the game, I think closer to the night as black ops will be quick.
Yes, the normal optimization of the game what are you crying o_o everything is going great!
Will I be able to play at medium/minimum settings,so that at least 25
Radeon HD5570 1 Gb
6Gb DDR3
Windows 7 64-bit
450W(well, it's not so important)
Played a single fps from 40 to 60. The graphics are not ice! Multiplayer is a different story, impossible rare! Fps from 20 to 40 at a half-empty server. The playability is rare for an Amateur!, until you try you will not understand. If the choice is between the CODE and this, the first in 100500 times better.
he really 5570 because of his 6-nuclear+5770 450Ватт enough that the BIOS would only see teach math part )
you're a little mistaken..teach materiel
vidyuhi consumes 100 max +150 percents together with mother+100 screw and operative (although these numbers are still inflated) so that you yourself teach materiel and people don't jump