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Shakula 29.05.20 10:39 pm

Monotonous animals on different planets (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Why in the galaxy Andromeda the same creatures on the planets
for example: on earth ( dogs ,cats , rats , horses, etc...)
I think that each planet needs its own animals Evolved under a particular climate. I have no race ,namely, animals (insects , dinosaurs ,demon, etc...
Can anyone please make new game types , imagination to help you.
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Denis G 29.05.20

My dear, this is TES and not Fallout. At Bioware with the mod it's pretty sad, so leave all hope.
Maybe add something new in the DLC kuriansky on the ark, and this is the best.

Shakula 29.05.20

And so I would like to see on each planet, new species , far more interesting would look.

Shakula 29.05.20

Well, at least they fought each other in Far Cry 4 (Mike the tiger), it would be something to see.

Hitrii 29.05.20

the animation look.

Jeckicoder 29.05.20

Well if you think about it, most living creatures have changed under the impact of technology relics. For this it is so similar. Or the easiest option creators just wasn't up to it.

Shakula 29.05.20

I'm NOT talking ABOUT RACE (a dinosaur, a demon, a racist or a faggot), and about the fact that new species such as insects, predators, well, at least attacking you birds flying creatures.

Kane Edition 29.05.20

all right.
and the ME series is often criticized for the paucity of other races.

I have during the game does not have a sense that my character in the other universe to meet new races.
I have a feeling that all the new race - people in kostyumah.

2 legs and 2 hands, smaller fingers, another form of person - is that all?

Star wars was loved and including a variety of other races.

AiSPQR 29.05.20

where is there art Buk lay still for the first part, if I'm not mistaken, there were interesting characters concepts

EvgenyDMT 29.05.20

Want different animals,play in the play no man's sky)))

Shakula 29.05.20

for more aggressive , something that the muzzle is good
( I mean smiley)

Denis G 29.05.20

Kane Edition
This is where you found THIS in the diversity of races? Coooper is the same as ME, and almost all worthy of mention race there - humanoids. In this issue biovars have not invented anything new. What is the fundamental difference between asari and telecome, salabianca and trandoshans, etc.

Kane Edition 29.05.20

Denis G
Okay, okay so in THIS diversity, there are more options than two legs, two arms and head.







Denis G 29.05.20

Kane Edition
Actually there's two arms, two legs, a head, a model kit for THIS race. Plus, sometimes a few exotic parts that do not change the basic package. Decorative do not take account of - hanaro and IU has only the good of them, one decoration.
Actually surprisingly physics simply implies some other situation. It is not a strategy where you can deploy, theme a little wider, for example, in Moo.

Oleg Bervinov 29.05.20

Shakula wrote:
for example: on earth ( dogs ,cats , rats , horses, etc...)
there must be a sequel...but on other planets, what animals?
and if the case, the diversity of flora/fauna is still normal, but one race all the cluster, it kind of poorly...and creativity does not Shine.

Alexandrovitch 29.05.20

Though the game only weighs a couple of gigs, and the diversity more than Andromeda )

MephistoXX 29.05.20

Rejoice that all animals have) Remember the old ME, especially the first, where we landed and explored the world: there is also intelligent humanoid was empty of living creatures. If you do not take into account the-fuck.

Dr.Kostet 29.05.20

First: species, at least three, - the hangar, kitty, relics. Second: Catty all the others could redo in ... kettou. Third: to contamination of the hangar could most planets to adapt itself and colonize the similar flora and fauna, which survived the toughest types (hence monotonous). The fourth: IS the GAME to do more models, especially non-humanoid, more expensive; Given the problems with the game creation, rejoice that there is. You have to take Your imagination and fantasy!

Denis G 29.05.20

Well, I personally remember at least two species - pajaki (where without them, all the time under the wheels of Les) and hornless deer with hands. On Eden Prime was still alive, bulbs. Well, first ME and inhabited planets, where we rode the Mako count on the fingers can. Mostly overheated or frozen rocks with no atmosphere.

SeregaTyl 29.05.20

Do not jump to conclusions. Follow the story completely. Then you will understand why there is a limited set of animals and only one race (the hangar) at the nearest planets were settled.