What points in a network game? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Play attack LVL 7 and level 9 soldier. Always last in the list, regardless of the level of party members. And as I understand it, the reward depends on the place in this list. I certainly understand that the hands must be fast and the eyes are sharp and the guys can be cheats. But maybe I don't understand something.How to earn points in multiplayer. For kills or damage? For example, when cutting a healthy robot or chum in a bubble, only a few people will fill them. And who gets the award, everyone who participated, or who made the decisive shot?
When it is necessary to disarm the device, given only to those who neutralizes? It makes sense to cover that player? And, accordingly, the task to kill certain units.
Maybe there are some tricks and your finds as to be at least in the second line?
For damage points is exactly proportional to the damage caused by you (even if you defeated the enemy) and Vice versa finish off the enemy with low HP will be less points (unless you blew him all the HP he). When performing tasks points are given to everyone equally (regardless of who completed the task), but the magnitude of them depends on the speed of task execution (teamwork!). Points are also given for the support teams, for example, if your ability restores the shields or something affects tematow. And the last thing that comes to mind is a combination: if you tag the enemy, and the other detonates it, you too will give points.
Ah, Yes, the evacuation, everything is simple: evacuated - were given points, the more tematow evacuated, the more points you give to everyone.
To be the first in the list, you have to play the best. That's the whole secret. And here is properly pumped character and straight arms.
For example, today was playing the asari adept: the gold medal was not received, but was the first in the list, because it is very well supported team.
Thank you for your answer.
It seems clear, but why in the final report different medals players for special missions (disable device, to kill the marked enemies, you download the data)?
And if not a secret, what skills are most important at your Azari and what are the tactics?
Medals are given only for your actions. That is to get a gold medal for a special mission you have to personally all of the tasks to perform. As I understand it for the task (depending on speed) - experience get everything and experience for medals is a bonus.
Council on skills like this (mind you I am silver) - biotical (and Azari, for example, all biotics) shake a dogfight (especially shield recovery per hit) and force shield. Then running around and beating dogfight - damage are much higher than a shot from most guns.
And how is it to fight the robots and ket ascendant in the dogfight? I personally when I see them, I try to get. Otherwise, take down all HP.
Not all biotics are strong in melee, adept asari among them (unlike gualandi Azari and attack people), it relies on combos, and to have to pump them. That is, first the Destruction, then Shot, then two passive spells as enough points. Spear is not so useful for her, but because you can leave it in the drain.
Since Extermination is valid in a narrow radius around you, with the enemy must approach, it is possible to seek out individuals or small groups, and to cast on them the other two skills to immediately carry out devastating combos. Slightly pumped pers on bronze makes most enemies with one combo, silver have to finish the weapons (my shotgun Relics), gold is not yet Cathal, still small) it makes sense to accompany tematow that can detonate combos, with three of these you can create real meat in the melee. And if you have to open the sixth level of Destruction, where death for ANY enemy in the radius of Destruction restores the shields AROUND the squad in close proximity, the potential of the team will be very hard to kill.
With bosses more difficult, they need to keep it under a marker that the team continuously from digging. Around the Demon, you can just jump and Dodge attacks, around Hydra, too (it is very slow swings in close proximity, during this time, you on the other end of the map to retreat))), the destroyer of Relics should be close ONLY if he's not looking at you (they have a habit to focus on one opponent and not to ignore the other for a long time), but the Uprising do not come active until his shield and then cut him for a sweet soul (good health a bit).
Well, how would the asari adept is different from the attack only by the lack of a breakthrough. Your build is clear to me, but he is also such a Passive pumping in a dogfight, the Extermination of the increase in radius (the extra 4 seconds of recharge of other skills does not bother me) and the raising of enemies without shields and armor. Silver feeling pretty confident. heavily under fire in an open area, but otherwise no problems. While the enemy is flying, he can't attack, but against other combinations (though one and a half times less). Well, the opportunity to raise his shields just attacking the vrukopashku (if the attack is not too strong).
Today zatestit it on gold. Yes, quite well. Annihilation with extended range and raising unarmored enemies helps a lot to survive. As the saying goes, the enemy can't beat you when hanging in the air. The melee damage really much sags - we need 3-4 impact of even the weakest enemy, but receiving 20% of shields per hit often allows you to fight and so. The most important thing in the build biotico to take the last skill that restores shields when health sags more than 75%. Five times per mission, probably saved me.
The pump is necessary only damage cheat because it did not raise, invulnerability given by one button. Also do not buy armor on ammo because you can turn on infinite ammo, it is better to buy Jager.
I like my asari Adept - it is necessary for gold to fully upgrade, only two branches, the lower with shield and hand-to-hand and Destruction with the raising enemies into the air. Any weapon (I'll take anything pour maximum damage in minimum time for the execution of the very thick of the enemies with protection from rukopashku, for example - Token) is Very desirable gear to +75% more damage (like Jugernaut called). Already on level 12 I took the gold and experience is often 1-2 place even before level 20.
Pumping the other branches increases the asari Adept slightly. Still on gold combination so much damage give.