Will there be gays in the game? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
BioWare during the development of Mass Effect 3 said you wanted more humor in the game. But gay is a fertile topic for humor. Mass Effect 3 had some good jokes, tied to the subring of James about the sexual orientation of Steve.any game of biovar be with a character not in the traditional orientation.So it was,is and will be..
ETOGES biotvari. According to the Inquisition I am concerned about another issue - whether to play the beautiful female characters? Or we will again offer a wide variety of the guy, the girl with down syndrome and a gay necromancer.
It is urgent to ask whether straights in the game?
catte wrote:
Or we will again offer gay necromancer.
maybe we can offer a choice of two gay necromancers
Given the increasing number of blogs about the characters with a different sexual orientation and with the knowledge that, according to Freud, each enemy and lover to discuss or show aggression towards homosexuals are latent homosexuals (that is, dreaming of such intercourse), I have a thought creeps in that pagesca surfaced huge wave of unmet closeted homosexuals. For condemning homosexuality, as I noticed, there's a lot more than tolerant or sympathetic.
Kurisu Reddofirudo
but if someone hates blacks - it latent, the Negro, and by the way if I say I hate Obama or Putin, is it possible that I have latent relative of Obama or Putin