Player for life?
We all know about the age restrictions on games.But in what age they should stop?Or not worth it at all,because it is one of the ways you relax?There are fishermen for life.There are fans to dig deeper into wheelbarrows.There is a drunkard to the grave.But there are players.But here's the catch for us:with age,you realize that it is time for the games go into denial and not want to.IMHO:games are for all ages.What do you think about this?
DiRazr wrote:
Just in case look at Always say Yes".
It's just a movie, it is for the entertainment of the crowd. To look for morality it has no sense, but it will be interesting to watch.
[Denis] wrote:
We love to teach morality to read,but I like to keep track of yourself,your words and deeds.When people talk about their actions in response,offended.
I don't quite understand what you mean. I'm asking you to speak more clearly, of course, if it pleases you.
In the childhood played all the time, in my youth, grown up - still playing, except that I love to combine games with alcohol. Yes, this is for life, I think. There would be games and the Internet - probably, actively drinking, and watching TV.
In any case, you can always find escape from reality.
[Denis] wrote:
Our people do not understand.
People stupider than you?
Or you're smarter than people?
Once thought that the games forever and, in General, not gamers do? But right now 29 and last year passed the Doom single in Battle + a couple of weeks the movie Shadow warrior 2. Still remember Mafia 2, Deus ex for a couple of hours. And that there is no time - it can be a lot if you want, since work at home behind a computer. But toys weeks not started. And so for a long time, 5 years.
On the horizon a glimmer of light VR, maybe this will humor of the situation as once serious Sam and Heroes 3.
On the other hand I'm still interested in news of igrostroya and I'm likely to be interested in 10 years.
I was happy with everything in the Witcher,and the story,and gameplay,and dialogue.And Stone Hearts when Geralt to a wedding went,it is generally something.Cudgel of the people in the barn shooting.From the 2nd part of the humor is delivered.
I don't quite understand what you mean. I'm asking you to speak more clearly, of course, if it pleases you.
I'm talking about people that might be funny,or those who condemned the players.
Vanya Rygalov
Stop trolling,and you do not know,as we players are.While they do not tyknet disk that says 18+,they will not believe also that the game today is not for students.As we like to accuse games of all mortal sins.And the fact that people have the nerves pass with the next price hike or lowering earnings,this is somehow do not care
[Denis] wrote:
I'm talking about people that might be funny,or those who condemned the players.
[Denis] wrote:
games for all ages.What do you think about this?
I agree with you. Wrote it right 8)
Better is booze - play. Better instead of gambling video games. Some bad habits better to substitute with less harmful or even neutral. For example, videogame.
It's funny what time we live in. In the world, probably there is no person who played the game from early childhood to old age. The gaming industry is still not ingrained in the minds of most people, and especially older, as something equivalent to television or radio. Perhaps in 20 years the question of when you ought to give up to play games will sound the same as it is now when you need to stop watching television?.
It's funny what time we live in.
Children's access to games from early childhood can not be allowed.They are very sensitive and terrified of games will become addicted.They have the most feeling brighter.The hell are you then tear the baby from them
Perhaps in 20 years the question of when you ought to give up to play games will sound the same as it is now when you need to stop watching television?.
And its actually worth watching?
A. Soldier of Light
Better is booze - play.
I'm not saying that it is better.I'm talking about what I love.Who and what is better— you decide.However,if the drunkard will me a lecture that I'm wasting time doing crap,then this will be an unpleasant conversation.
A reason not to cry, but fuck you all with my opinion on the matter!!!
I played, play and will play to gray mudey!
Neither my wife nor anyone else is not hovering.
My father - 63 years. I go here to them, father-in-law sits in the tanks is chopped.
Well, I smiled and did not betray the values first.
And then, lo and behold, on his account, and he 86к fights!
Eighty-six thousand bitch!!!
I just ohrenel!
How much do you play? Ask.
He: well... almost since the release of...
In General, there are always those who will criticize your interests. Say the type is not a peasant... blah blah blah...
My training in kenjutsu, from the-sides look pretty ridiculous for nesvedov person. However, no one dared to make fun of me.
The moral of these words is this: when playing a hefty, inflated man with an angry face - is the norm. (No one-did he not say against...)
And when playing zadroto-student in glasses is just ugh...
Here's your answer.:)
We are probably of different ages talking, I'm not about children, but about children 7-8 years (I think a considerable number of gamers now started playing around that age). I am playing since 4 years and I can say that with the right education based on will be no, unless a very strong interest, but it's absolutely fine.
With regards to the TV - nothing specific I can not advise, since itself it is not, but again, in my childhood I've watched a lot of movies, and often quite good, thanks to television. Of course, now there is Internet, but there is sometimes an additional element of interest to stumble upon the movie by accident and not specifically looking for it online. In the end, the conscious person, the TV still does not hurt, but a fool and without a TV fool.
If the person is not degraded, it is at any age to play, to realize their unfulfilled needs, or just to get away from the drudgery of the real world, or will engage in any form of creativity, art, science. Another thing, if he is developed so much that these modern games, at this time, will be his childish, primitive, and cease his suit, then he stop playing and look for something else more perfect than the game.
the game is the most affordable way of spending time outside of work hours, maybe someone loves to chat live with friends, but is so shook at work that night to see anyone not want this game to be the way, well, really no TV to watch))
another issue is that games are becoming less in which I would like to play
I began to tire of games, but still notice that among the new are not so much worthy. Evil believe it is online zadrotstvo, ie not GTA or something, and all sorts of pillboxes and other hat when the players in the night Wake up to with the same drug joint action to commit. He accept only those games you play just when I want to do this myself and have the time, and not when others force. The Witcher 3 was very impressed when I went out after the last patch and the two new additions all want to repeat, Yes, I remember how many hours killed just for the main campaign mode and becomes sad. In these games you need to play heavily, or simply drop out of history, and after a week it is hard to remember where you went, what the characters around, and what kind of armor in your inventory. To several series that try to play with each new part, but something in my wish list such began to accumulate too much, whereas days often stick on websites, watch movies or make out the music and all the files on the disk - even start passing something long little break. After a job change like the computer being updated, but more out of habit - worthy configurations of beauty in games, I somehow did not see, but the time for the ball already almost there, Yes. About the fact that you need to get rid of such a harmless hobby - believe, nonsense. There is no difference from what you get a pleasant experience - from traveling or from alcohol, from skiing or from the family, everyone chooses what he likes from what is most available, and other life goals other than to receive impressions, I don't see it. The main thing is to not to disturb others.
Play and not to think, if you games are really bored, you'll quit. Where did you get that idea? You public opinion presses, or friends, wife or relatives?
then you need to play for 8 hours)) importantly, in no case do not raise a family - this is for wimps.