Help with modded Armored Kill v2!!! PLEASE! (Battlefield 2)
Launch of the Armored Kill mod tried single, tried the map, press Start and load comes to 10 and popping up this error!Please help solve the error!
P. S: It just comes to 10, and flies in the office. table without errors.
P. S. S: Which version of the game need for fashion? My last (Probably) 1.5.3153-802.0.
For fashion most likely need the latest version (well, there is 1.51... not remember exactly)!
You climbs this error because of an error in fashion, or you've changed your files, well, there is added a thread of a mod before, and in the end clumsy fashion fused! )
PS When I clumsily change some effect settings also throws on the slave table! ))
14313mut I did Not change the archive! Can you tell what version the last one? And how to fix this error, if you know?
It seems you have the latest version.
And error to fix it, I know, but for that I need to see the archives of this mod.
14313mut what's the point? I rocked with links to the author, i.e. to say Official...
How can I let you see the archives?
14313mut I have downloaded, with other links, but you know when a mod weighs more than a game, ie 12GB and you have an Internet goes to 300KB/s, as you do not want to download it again))
I wanted to ask to give the link to download and watch, but when you said it weighs 12GB've changed my mind! ))
And about to see the archives don't even know! Well, I'll try to help with talking points, and you yourself are going to do (after all, most change is interesting and enjoyable, well, I personally do! )) )!
For starters, look how heavy the folder Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\\Objects_server and\Weapons, well if I can throw something, but I'll download and take a look.
Well, if you can't something to throw, try to do the following (Sori in advance that long, I just want to make it clearly :)).
Important!Save the just in case backup archive !
Come Winrar'om the archive and search under search file names find this file: e_tracer_trail_g.con
When he finds rename it to e_tracer_trail_gcon!
Then again, in the search only in the search string write: e_tracer_trail_g
Opens the search window and there he should find one (if lucky) or more files, they must be in folders:\Weapons\..., or in:\Vehicles\... and these files must be with extension .tweak(if it finds this string in the file:\Effects\weapons\trails\ e_tracer_trail_g.tweak not pay attention to it).
After it will find the files you need to select the files Lcmm and click on the button Select (it is third from the top) it will throw you in a folder with these files.
Now do
''a procedure for removing a tick ;)''where you want to uncheck read only if you do not know how, then it's easy! Need to move LMB-om a file you want to edit to your desktop, then right click go into properties (spanned files) and remove the check mark from just reading, then click on OK, now put this file in the already open archive (back to its place).
Then go into the file (WordPad'om for example) which has removed the check mark and you want to change, and in the search enter: e_tracer_trail_g
After he will find, add in the beginning of all lines of the word rem
Primaryprimary he found this line:
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate e_tracer_trail_g , and you have to change to make it so:
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate e_tracer_trail_g, and if under this line there is a line with numbers for example:
ObjectTemplate.setPosition n / n / n, then also add rem:
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition № / № / № the way instead of setPosition can be setRotation(if memory serves).Now save, close and click OK (if the files have something to ask), and do it with all files found in the archive!
Good luck, I hope helped! ))
14313mut Yes, helped"to Make settings to the max and I put on clean without any mods. As the author said, (I asked him too) is not compatible mods. So, thanks)
Privet. Perezagruzen efektami !
Eto problema reshaetca tak !
1.Faili – mods/bf2/ i, dolzni bit originalnimi, bez izmenenii !!!
2. Zaxodim v mod-Armored_Kill/Objects, otkrivajem -
Otklucaem ili, udolaem (delete) nekotorije efekli, naprimer: e_exp_XlargePR, ili , e_exp_Xlarge, e_exp_largebomb
(eti efekti v igre ne be, no izpolzuetca oni redko, no resursov zanimaet ne mereno !)
Znacit, udolaem eti faili (na nekotorix kartax, igra mezet viletit), ili, lutshe, otklucaem:
Naprimer, e_exp_largebomb.tweak
rem *** Generated with Bf2Editor.exe [created: 2006/5/15 11:52]
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe EffectBundle e_exp_largebomb
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser SatNav
ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.floaterMod 0
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate S_e_exp_largebomb_Start
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring1
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring2
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring3
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring4
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow01
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow02
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow03
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_largebomb_smoke01
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/-4.03844/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/1/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase2
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/1/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase3
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/2.30699/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombmiddlering
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombtopring
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/31.7913/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_largebomb_brightflash01
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.setStartOnEffects 0
ObjectTemplate.setStopOnEffects 0
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/2/0/0
ObjectTemplate.randomAgeFactor CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.startAtCreation 0
ObjectTemplate.speedFromPhysics 1
Tak Delaem !
rem *** Generated with Bf2Editor.exe [created: 2006/5/15 11:52]
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe EffectBundle e_exp_largebomb
ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser SatNav
ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1
ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1
ObjectTemplate.floaterMod 0
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0
rem -------------------------------------
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate S_e_exp_largebomb_Start
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring1
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring2
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring3
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombring4
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow01
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow02
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebomb_glow03
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_largebomb_smoke01
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/-4.03844/0
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase1
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/1/0
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase2
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/1/0
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombbase3
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/2.30699/0
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombmiddlering
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_exp_largebombtopring
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/31.7913/0
rem ObjectTemplate.addTemplate em_largebomb_brightflash01
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.setStartOnEffects 0
ObjectTemplate.setStopOnEffects 0
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/2/0/0
ObjectTemplate.randomAgeFactor CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.startAtCreation 0
ObjectTemplate.speedFromPhysics 1
Oklucaem efekti, poka ne izceznet – Text: Too mny ParticleSystemManager templates
Obezatelto, sdelai oneself kopiju, origina - (eto i tak ponatno ).