31.05.20 11:36 am
Locked the slider graphics (The Settlers: Rise of an Empire)
I downloaded The settlers 6 on PC.Wanted to remember the good old days and to play with a friend.Used to play on my laptop and decided to install on the computer.The installation went fine.There were not any problems during installation, go into the game , called the Lord and once in the graphics settings.I wanted to put everything on ultra but then...the slider to the quality of the textures either disappeared whether zablocie . Tried everything, re-installed,included the compatibility, turned off the antivirus but nothing!I don't know what is this glitch and how to fix it because I met with him only on your computer, on the laptop and the computer of each slider graphics were. Scoured the Internet found nothing(((.I met some people who have the same problem but no answer from their subjects on this issue. Maybe someone you already met a similar problem? Please tell me how to solve it!I would be very grateful.2 Comments