Bar \"Hellknight \'n\' co Archvile\" (Doom 3)
In many forums there are themed bars....And we can also poprobovatj we here to create? maybe and the people will catch up...Bar Hellknight 'n' Archvile co. Only today and only here:
1. Foot pulse in tomato sauce
2. Commando tentacle in tomato sauce
3. Fat mancubus in tomato sauce
4. No legs and we stuffed headcrabs in tomato sauce!
5. And Yes, cultural and open communication on any topic.
Hi all...look here new bar please the tabs of the pulse and five gallons of beer...drank a little...atrigel))) how's things on Mars are?(turning to the bartender, but to all the visitors also heard the question)....
even on Mars it's hot in the extreme... phew.. even in the bar the air conditioning is), think of a name, and I'll fix it)
Ehhh....felled Sedna Halitov and androids...came off....I still have a couple gallons of beer and I fight!Odd boring you mulberries, I see. Do all marineau killed? Anyone alive!!! With the Day of airborne!!! The troopers!!!AY!!!
You see, it was worth Nihilianth to write a couple of messages and a bar came to life:)
Ыgt. Jackson
Rock! + posts.
AAA!!!!Why the posts of sectarian, of helper rubbed??? We need to develop a bar, communication...albeit here with different visitors will discuss...the main thing is our religion (doom) does not smear)))
sorry. write the rules that you can, what cannot and will follow them.
It is impossible to swear and Piskaty. And the rest of the bar. Within a reasonable.