How to get into these relict structures? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Tired of walking around them, and how to get them don't know? Help!In them you can not go, there is usually some kind of chest is it luchesi and all the icon becomes blue tipo investigated.
I all the chests there. I drove up there and compass with this icon points down.
There is a conflict, there are inconsistencies. Can somewhere not work scripts (consider game pass), where it may level reset or even separate save. The author's theme a harmless situation, just simply I do not paint the area, but then could be worse.
What more protection against cheats, Lord. Very high? I imagine the money citreola iiii...... almost 50 hours played and no 1st bug or something. So don't talk nonsense!
There are hidden structures, the entrance may be a little further from them, on a desert planet so in 1 store hit. The point was in the 1st place, and the entrance a little further. Have obatala, all painted with. Look around, things should be.