if all res was bigger, may be would have taken. and Viper is easier to wear, there 35@
Viper is easier to wear
kewelldkny, who, I wonder, simpler? :-)
Fighter07, and Cho was in ap with any ed not to collect? :-)
I bought it and also asked and he answered me saying ar is not beautiful I ugarnul)
Obsessed where the world is heading?.. :-) , and Cho was in ap with any ed not to collect? :-)
I KST on pale skin WF like last season looking for a good Fort in WF - WF but the proposals were not at all ;(
I'm way too wf like best Pala, wanted Enigma to do it, Yes power too much and the sale in any of the skin will have to drop. For fortica - topeg.
ps Obsessed
and I will be cured?)