+1))) thanks
Now discussing
As I understand the standard Oblivionesque current + VATS well, of course I Drag
I'd say quite comfortable( I figured)
standard Oblivionesque
not quite.In oblivion action was pressing space and E on the contrary jump.See then they realized that through E to use things more convenient...
Well anyway, the office is very comfortable,despite the fact that the game is partially consegna...
you can reassign buttons ???
Second-why the heck - and so comfortable?
Thirdly-why the hell so many of the same posts??????????????
Second-why the heck - and so comfortable?
Will your privolga Prieur: just some mouse is not 2 standard buttons(not counting the wheel), and for example 6-left and right buttons and on the sides(I have so). For these 4 remaining to assign anything else, so as not to peck on the clave.IMHO
When you press Print Screen in the root directory of the game will create a screenshot in .bmp
That's the problem,I push as said Komodo Saurian Print Screen ,it is stupid to sit and screen no.What I need?
In my opinion it's silly not to use your thumb to quickly change weapons. Is there a way to move the number keys 1-8 on the Z< ?
To probatiune could put VATS on the wheel button was very handy. After (patch 1.7) in the control settings can't do this. Who than can, tell me !!!