The game is unavailable (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Caught a nasty bug in origin: the button Play is inactive, although before that the game is played. The bug appeared after restart origin. Did you restart the game library, the origin and check the game files, nothing helped.Any ideas on how to cope with this?Here's a screenshot for clarity:
Here is the theme
And I have the same!
Origin says that the game will be available 23rd! Can't believe it!
I have the same thing. Is saved button Restore in the drop-down menu.
PS After the action of the Restore, restarting origin, and the button becomes active.
Marina Kapitonova
As I understand it, have all in different ways. Somewhere wrote that the reinstallation of Origin and/or games helps.
I disappoint people. The game is available in the current NA meta. in Europe, the yield on the 23rd.
But I can put Itny. Then let the game