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Vanya Rygalov 02.06.20 06:37 pm

Everything is relative

And you know, our PG is not so bad.
Because everything is relative.

Just recently came across a comment mentioning such a thing as karma. And immediately I remembered how some time ago I had a... shall we say, a dubious pleasure to visit (thank God, not for long) one of these same GHGs gaming sites (not specifically indicate the names, because - fuck them!!!, not the free advertising). And there was built a very sly system of self-regulation of relations between users. I suspect that they are not alone in this, surely, a similar system are welcome and on other sites.

Its essence is simple - the so-called system of obtaining karma, both negative and positive. All of us are familiar the pros and cons are summarized and one of them ,in fact, formed the karma of each individual user. More minuses - and your karma is already negative, more benefits - and you are clean, pleasant and fragrant like an angel of unearthly (positive).

Well, fuck you? you may ask - what's the difference what place this very karma to make sho a plus or a minus? What is the trick, where the dog is buried?

...Necessary clarification - when the accumulation of a certain number of disadvantages - the negative karma, the user first loses the right to evaluate other functions (plus or minus it is not available), then as you accumulate more negative karma, he is deprived of the opportunity to leave their comments and create their own threads (could be something else, I don't know, so deeply do not dive). Like a monkey in a space - look out the window, and the buttons don't pull. A sort of ban, ostensibly derived from the people.

To remedy the situation, improving your karma, you - receiving the same, well familiar to us the pros. In theory... But, as you know, not being able to comment something,this would be very difficult. Vicious circle - or a monkey or new ACC (which rules, by the way, not banned). I believe that bots there like dogs nerezannyh...

Positive karma has its own rewards (unfortunately unknown to me), one of the most important of which enhances the power of your plus or minus sign, making it equal to the value of two -, three-or more site users. For example - we all know monococoate car Games a few of its downsides could easily send to hell (transient space), half of the population PG.

What is it? Good or bad? And most importantly, what does our PG and why it is not so bad?

Each website has its own rules, breaking which, the user is sent to the bath - everything is easy and simple.

NG all the users having and not having huge amounts of pluses or minuses are equal. They can't deny the right of another user to Express his opinion just because he doesn't like (------). Any holder of NG is proud to wear it, sprinkling all his bile, nonsense... whatever. The main thing that it did not violate established rules on the website.

That is, the law punishes, not a group vysokoosmotichnyh otputovali mates.

The sites marked above, the system of karma such equality between the users in sight can not be. There is always the opinion or evaluations that are inconsistent, or simply not pleasant to someone. And having a long plus, you can influence those who have the most plus less or even (God forbid) negative.

Add to this such a thing as bullying of schooling and the desire to poison don't seem uncomfortable in something, it may be unpleasant...but law-abiding users of the site.
Moreover, a receiving portion minuses from the elders, do not start to write what they really think (well, he did not like the Witcher), and that will bring him advantages, and preferably more, so that in the future, increasing the value of your karma to Lord it over others...
Of course, perhaps, to some extent, exaggerate and exaggerate. Can be... Not for me to judge.

However, in light of the above, our PG is not so bad, although it has its drawbacks. But as they say, nothing in this world is imperfect, at least we at PG anyone can bombard their pearls indefinitely, as long as does not violate the rules...

My spoiler... and then dashed. If anyone falls asleep, then citajuci my writings - sorry.

Peace people.
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masha 02.06.20

All right, fine. Skochu The Witcher 3.

the endless misanthropy o 02.06.20

Something to not care about the specifics of thinking, a priori I don't expect will agree with me. Besides, the more pluses, the less obscure my opinion that is a serious warning of a slide into consensus with the majority. We can assume that I like it when I put the cons, but it is not, after all, minus and total degenerates, spread nasty pictures and the lemon, so, like this fellow I do not intend to.
Therefore better not to pay attention to this system, which always reminds me basewsw biarosso. Although, not always. In KOTOR, this system has been place, but only there.

AR3E 02.06.20

Reason is compared warm and soft, without explaining properties of objects. I target a local karma sees in garbage disposal reviews, like"bad, dumb wrote in response to the theses coming out of the pink world of the subject. Remembering comments in the past, is quite relevant for this site today.

Only these crazy comments is an integral part of the Internet. Random VA plahuta, Stalker/eosin/жт5 of forever etc. - it's like anon - the universal asshole and scorotron. And level of this debris will depend not from karma, but from the number of educated and sensible people just.

That is, for example tabun.everypony.ru

Regulation of relations mainly occurs by the users themselves, with his mind in principle too young to represent the purity and the culture of speech and the right or estate of the submission of such. Reaching the limit, zaminusovali comments just disappear, it's usually a lot of insults and obscenities. This eliminates the need for the presence of paranoid moderatee, eventually forming the doorman.

In response to the dissent follows the semantic explanation of a speech rather than context hints by minusovaniya. Moderators are in situations where not even a problem, but rather the need is of a technical nature is the transfer of the posts in the appropriate category blog, the fix headers and different complex html stuff, which I don't understand. Govern the relationship rarely, when someone has drowned in the abyss and trying to tow the other, limiting access to where the user is most often harms.

The karma is more of a feel-good character, though not always honored, and starting with small units provides as of a community grant the trust the right to create their own blog. Support him or not - also depends on juzverej.
Spoilers only in 1 case out of many - from the admins. Yeah, I remember 2012y.

Still there old.reactor.cc

Psevdoallergicakie mode is fraught with sabotage of local axioms of karma of the individual groups. However, justice often finds its way out, with the help of the administrator or the will themselves reaction. For entertainment site the a sufficient number of intellectuals, not allowing rakate with impunity to pour all the dirt and litter sections of the site, burning the evil spirits of the righteous disadvantage. In fact, the regulation occurs both at the Herd - zaminusovali review hidden, and particularly repulsed users can ban moderators of the relevant sections or administrators.

The number of karma in your profile authority not how much will depend. Love you, if you're a Leader, or, for example, aftor original content. Still have a separate potsy and SIS allocated and memorable just because they suddenly communicate with other juzverej. But PG does not.
Spoilertv was another five paragraphs, but the dog had eaten them.

Wing42 02.06.20

AR3E wrote:
Psevdoallergicakie mode is fraught with sabotage of local axioms of karma.
I'd like to see the look on your face when you did it. Blushing, sweating, trying.

Devil208 02.06.20

I love PG.

Vanya Rygalov 02.06.20

AR3E wrote:
Reason is compared warm and soft, without explaining properties of objects...
...For the entertainment site the a sufficient number of intellectuals, not allowing rakate with impunity to pour all the dirt and litter sections of the site, burning the evil spirits of the righteous disadvantage.
I'm sorry. Forgot to add. Object properties - a nice touch. Can be applied to the burnt fart and blown the perdaki intellectuals (heh, heh... probably from frequent use and over-voltage protection), burn the evil spirits of the righteous (again, heh, heh...) minus.

BioCommandos 02.06.20

the endless misanthropy of the black cosmos
the less obscure my opinion that is a serious warning of a slide into consensus with the majority.
Optional. If someone puts you plus, it doesn't mean you merge into most. Put pluses for different reasons.

But actually you're right. On this website the pluses and minuses have no weight. Accordingly, to pay attention to is not worth it.