How to make mutants less tenacious. (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl)
I use simbion and can't normally pogamat, without straining. Duck here, which line should be changed in the config mutant so he DOH normally, and then 10 horns Kalash spend bloodsucker. Oh, and maybe someone knows how the anomalies to remove wspolicy air etc to himself to change them.The author, you find it hard to fold 2, and 2? I want to change the health of the mutant to change his line. health or something like that. And in General - don't like the mod, put another. Or Tetris play, once you a normal monster defeat does not work.
The mug pancake! I the entire game without any problems passed on veteran and don't want to bathe even more, just want absolutely calm pogamat! And thank you for the advice.
And the difference that stress in the head not in the head is practically no reason and it would be cool dudes and monsters headshots to singulait!
there is no difference? Oh well... probably because the head misses. The difference actually is very big.
Damn, what are smart! Aim for the head.. - I'd like to see how you bloodsucker in the head aim you! It is not static, but moving, and chaotic target, i.e. the head could be just a random hit! Well with these creatures, okay - personally, I have no problems, apparently the author of the theme in the config file that is really messed up - bloodsuckers, mink, dogs, and other standard spirits die easily, but who really bumming me out, so it is.. x..s, as they are called - sort of like zombies, but without a weapon, with empty eye sockets barely walk. With them I encountered in Oprah.. Is there something like a Time of the Nightmare - occasional gaming when all of a sudden these creatures climb with all the cracks, sometimes even materialists behind you despite the fact that you're tightly squeezed into a corner (so as to narrow the arc of fire). Now, these zombies cannot be killed the first time, even the control head does not help! Must wait when this thing will get up again and on you go, only then it can kill finally!
Mega-stupidity of the developers fashion! The question is - WHY? You have to spend a bunch of bullets and nerves walking in circles, backwards, talking in front of a crowd and guhnash these howling idiots. While on the mid game these moments will cause just nervous laughter.
Oh, and one more feature of these monsters for some reason persistently do not want to be interested in my enemies! The bandits and the soldiers quietly in the midst of them running around and these things on them zero attention! I need to shoot this insane crowd and NPCs that are not so stupid!
Would know what this stuff is - of course and mod to play wouldn't, but now I need to finish - where to go?!
Go in game date-config-creatures and go in the file of mutants. Listesi and looking for lines for example in the file bloodsucker (bloodsuker)
burn_immunity = 0.5
strike_immunity = 0.8
shock_immunity = 0.8
wound_immunity = 0.4 ;0.75 ;1.0
radiation_immunity = 0.0 ;0.5
telepatic_immunity = 1.0
chemical_burn_immunity = 0.5
explosion_immunity = 0.2
fire_wound_immunity = 0.07 --------------------- this is what you need. The more I put those m less tenacious creature. When set to 0.0 then the creature would be immortal.