Power supply g25 (Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Hello people!!!Does anyone have(Moscow) power supply for g25?https://www.partsdirect.ru/goods/AA156535/acer_aspire_4736zg-453g25mibk/?from=ya_market_66565&frommarket=https%3A//market.yandex.ru/search%3Fclid%3D545%26cvredirect%3D0%26lr%3D213%26text%3Dмосква+black+Pitania+g25&ymclid=888304504693552275400001
On a G25/27 do not have the original unit. You can find any block, as long as were such features 24V 2A.
well done, norm reference =)
400 rubles and wait 2 month or 7 days, but the cost is 3K...
In any store MVideo or Eldorado etc., if there on the shelves you will not find, consult your advisors mention that for an additional fee (well, give 200 rubles in the pocket of the seller) and let them look at the warehouse. Right there in the store, unloading stock with a probability 10000000% there is such a thing. I did so when specialized charger was looking for. And quickly found, by the way.
ZiZu Zankercu wrote:well done, norm reference =)
400 rubles and wait 2 month or 7 days, but the cost is 3K...
Wait no more than a month, or even less! The Chinese fear a large number of delivery days to collect the product for a single customer, and buy the entire container and pack it to 100%, then send.
Well, for the speed of delivery you have to pay even to taxi driver.
Chief, pay two counters.
Silly advise to offer to give a paw consultants in present the time, like everywhere deficit...
Order Chinese Ali is not the first year - never has the Chinese never threw!