How to completely turn off shadows? (Watch_Dogs 2)
Hi guys, me again with my problems... Hmm... Someone knows how to fully disable shadows in WD2?RussianCat-Barsik
Like in any way. The first dogs you could disable it completely? Or other new games yubisoft?
Protocol10 Well, you've got to think... If I remember write, maybe in the game in 2001, approximately)) Protocol, how are you? :)
Try using the cloud to play. True, they have to pay, but if the iron does not drag at all. There are demos there, potestio.
Raffaello_Extra No, They were not allowed to turn off shadows, put on the zero comes out the same if you put in the game settings, Shadows on low.
Raffaello_Extra none of the games of the times, we can not completely disable the shadows, well, except for 1 Assassin, and I'm not sure.