Patch 1.26 is better. (Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos)
In 1.27, for karadelev cut a variety of things. The majority of kurtoglu and will stay on patch 1.26, precrash support for 1.27+ (including I(Lod and fun version of DotA), dracolich(DotA 6.85+) and cartoday with xgm). Passed for 128 MB ? So it could do w3l.EXE, replacing 1 the only constant.eto ne vi prekratite the support is 1.27 a 1.27 prekratit the support is vas
neujeli nu ti dumaesh chto kto-to be radi pari kart otkativat' tolko chto ustanovlennoe oficialnoe w3 nepoimi do kakogo starogo patcha?
da i zayavleniya pro porezannie momenti tolko ot tebya slishni, chto-to v patch notes ob etom nichego ne skazano
It's not a few cards, and much more. 1.27 normal antipapal not do this, the hotkeys will not do. Even for these cards, people will leave rebate to the server 1.26, so they have gained a certain popularity, there are also other cards that won't work 1.27 b. So much for me. modmejkery in most refuses +1.27, and therefore will not see many new maps.
chto-to konkretnoe to mojesh skazat'?
a to mb ti prosto odin iz teh maphackerov u kotorih igra stala viletat' after 1.27 rusco community bourgeois - list of features in 1.26. Start from data editing to capture the coordinates of the mouse and keystrokes.
Many have already decided to make maps only on 1.26 (and new versions of current)
vtoroi po ssilke prekrasnii framework dlya vstraivaniya troyanov v karti
kak horosho chto ego pofixili
i spasibo za ssilku, teper' tochno ne stanu 1.26 igrat' ibo eto oznachaet chto ya mogu zaiti v kakuyu-to play s neizvestnoi kartoi i menya tam zatroyanyat a ya etogo daje ne zamechu
nado donesti etu ideyu do ostalnih igrokov chto b oni poskoree izbavilis' ot svoih mislei pro 1.26
nado otmetit' chto tot hack vilojen otnositelno nedavno i vryadli ego mnogo kto ispolzoval
To play these cards, people will have to go to the server 1.26, Yes, xgm, many have decided to support their projects to 1.26 and use memorial.Since no one is going to write viruses, would - would have done before. Yes sensible antimc (as I have in the map) do not at 1.27. And Blizzard for the year had the presence of mind only constant fix, the current developers of the classic games they have is a complete failure.And now will be split between 1.27/1.26. I think many of those players who play my map, go to another server (although it passed)
ti ili pritvoryaeshsya idiot?
DIRA v igre eto cherez kotoruyu s tvoim kompom mogut sdelat' chto hotyat kak tolko ti zapustish play ih s kartoi
nikto v zdravom ume ne stanet podvergat' sebya takoi opasnosti
How many years has this hole was used? or a hole through the preload ? Now the system and anti-virus software will prevent any harm. All that is done in the references, this is for mappers and no one will refuse the new vozomnila, decide when you see the loss online.
krutaya u tebya II, otkroite diru dlya virusov chto bi poigrat'
antivirusi eto ne predotvratyat, i oni ne znayut ob etoi dire
pofig dlya kogo eto sdelano, troyanopisateli etim mogut polzovat'sya im i nikto ne pomeshaet poka ti na starom patche
How many in the last years there were viruses on вк3 ? Rubal, can do mercy for modmakers to add new features to kartoglu through the launcher, that might solve many problems and attract people. Didn't need it memhack. Otherwise, by just going to churn.
rubattle mogut delat' chto hotyat
a ya govoru za sebya - s uchetom tvoih ssilok nikogda bolshe s 1.26 ni v kakie custom game s kartami moimi ne ne zaidu
i luboi adekvatnii podumaet chelovek tak je
hochesh igrat' v ruletku s avos' proneset, eshe vrode pod virusov nikto ne delal w3 - tvoe delo
delo ne v tom skolko ih a sdelano v LUBOI JELAYUSHII tom chto mojet sdelat ih' zavtra uje (osobenno after togo kak 2 mes back opublikovali udobnii sposob etogo all), zlonamerenno zamanit' tebya k sebe v play i poimet'
esli tebe nravitsya takoi rasklad to gl
Actually 1.26 a patch poses no threat, as any primitive (otherwise it will not name) virus written on the basis of RB(memoriae) will intercept and block any more or less developed antivirus. This is due to the limits of the engine of the Vario, and to write some serious Trojan etc is not possible. So no need to rush to extremes and to lead people astray, saying that cards based on patch 1.26 and memorials are safe now, because it's bullshit...