Skinte folder localization (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
Localization\czech_xml.pak File not found!Localization\english_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\french_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\german_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\ipl_english.pak File not found!
Localization\ipl_french.pak File not found!
Localization\ipl_german.pak File not found!
Localization\italian_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\polish_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\russian_xml.pak File not found!
Localization\spanish_xml.pak File not found!
Daniel Suvorov
Hardly someone will lay out somewhere a few gigs. The easiest way to find it not Packed with the hand and spool the files separately on their own.
Bupycop wrote:
Check the integrity of files do, and if you pirate, you suffer.
In this case it's more just a pirate. Probably people wanted to roll a 1.3.1 to 1.3.0, but it won't start patch because files were missing. Pirates often cut out other languages and are pinching files. Such a request a lot of where network is found.
With the purchased versions of such stocks is usually not observed.
Patch 1.3.0 requests missing files,1.3.1 is then no problem.Somewhere here in the topics give a link to this unzipped the game,but as the link was a pirate site,most likely it was removed and people got banned for a month(complained).