low smite tournament? (Diablo 2)
There is a proposal by analogy with the Tr forty tournament make a tournament of siterow in inexpensive gear, with a prize Fund from sponsors.For example:
shaft+ss+shako+gore+draculs+highlord+raven, the belt and the second ring, any, any weapon in the sockets anything, the inventory is empty
limitation: don't use runes above Um
swap is prohibited
prohibited aura: prayer pumping more than 1 skill, holy freeze
allowed skills (except aura): smite, charge, holy shield
Who thinks this?
update the current version of the rules for smoto: (since there has been a debate about armor)
shaft + ss + shako + gore + bloodi/lavagout? + highlord/mara's? + raven, the belt and the second ring, any, any weapon in the sockets anything, the inventory is empty
limitation: don't use runes above Um
you can of course other options to offer
but in General the first question in relation to the idea in General
if ya vstavlyu jeweli ias 40 ed i skaju 4to kupil za ix um eto po pravilam?
draki to4no otmenit nujno'
4to nas4et inventa? ya tak je mogu skazat' 4to kupil smolki 3-20-20 po um
well then instead of fighting bloodfist for example
about invent written that blank
about the mind runes meant runes by themselves, that is, cannot be inserted in small sockets and above
about jewel need to think, but do think it is possible for them to score (in the sense of not to clarify anything) for a number of reasons
draki - otmenit', sdelat' fisti/lava ghout
hl - crap - otmenit', sdelat' maru
weapon - poluchaetsa lyuboi uniq/set rw ili v kotorom runi menshe um, so ?
nu runi vs smita i nn no suvat' nikuda
in General, some may want to put ber in the armor or collect a thread runeword with lo in arms, I think there are other options that are useful in SVS
hl - crap - otmenit', sdelat' maru
MB Mary but a different price category, although again, can and will suit all
about the gun so far
may be has the meaning of something else to ban guns or even to specify, but it is not yet known
perhaps it makes sense to ban asteron
Holly frieze just makes sense to allow
the duration of the duel, not much impact, but a set of tactics and jokes will expand
bd_sm[TDPG], Metalgrid just makes sense to allow
the duration of the duel affect much, but a set of tactics and jokes shrink ;D
if prize is viwe ohma gotovi u4astvovat v lubom na derme lubih pravilah
ps 4to tolko ne pridumaut liw' bi norm drop ne delat D
A esli sam svaril horowie craftovie per4i class 20/10cb/dex/str to ih toje nelzya, ved oni doroje um polu4autsa.
pri fair DRe's pustim inventom, bez bo sliwkom bistro budet takoi skladivatsa smitar