Black screen (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Playing Witcher 3 some time later, a black screen appears for some time is the sound from the game then freezes and roll go you can't disable what to dostill managed to run in a window but still when there was a black screen of death curled up in full screen and I had nothing to do
I have the same problem,I now put the GP 1100Мг frequency,and memory frequency on 1500Мг,after 2 minutes of the game, no black screen,don't know if this helps,but if vidyaha Amderma,try.
Through catalyst option Overdrive,if the wood is of a new section of the game=global settings
NEK 33 wrote:
Playing Witcher 3 some time later, a black screen appears for some time is the sound from the game then hangs and collapse or you can't disable what to do?
One to one my problem now. Searched the forum - didn't find the answer. Nobody faced?