How to play on PC together? (WWE 2K17)
And to the topic.Why fly when you create a fighter (male)?
So I play on PC - tablet Code
Battles of standards are of career too, like not flying. But as soon as you begin to create a new fighter in Creations. The flight is stable. How to create a fighter-woman. And then - neither male nor female Persian not crafted. Departure just APPCRASH.
Comp 8ядерный WIN 7 - 8Gb Opera video Radiance HD6790 1Gb
and two, you need either 2 joystick or keyboard and joystick(as well as possible and gears to play)
The joystick is. He works in MK rules - one for the keyboard the other on jouste. And in this wwe - the game did not seem to see the joystick for PC su. How to choose? In the options also not found where to configure the joystick
the game is exactly the joystick does not see???if he sees it go into normal battle, and at the bottom choose the joystick is pressed down
I think I understand what it is. It cant Repack most likely need to put the emulator Joypad X-BOX360. I mean torment - nothing came of it.
You say you have on what Windows is ?
I have not had to put any emulators I have a cheap joystick !Qu and speedlink, Windows 10
2nd Claudia not plohoy to start with. And I don't think will work correctly. More likely to be 10ку supply and check kak go keyboard + joysticks