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Navali_volume 04.06.20 03:35 pm

I'm stumped (Diablo 2)

Guys I've just had a thought what if PG not reported about changes in the game world are brought into play original D2 admins moder or someone else then there is nothing that could exactly say about the game, all taken from third-party resources?
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redoolf 04.06.20

Yes, all is well. At least this is the position of the local administration: Game mechanics is not commented. Or in the longer form (from here):
This gaming service is available in the form what it is, no guarantees of achieving any outcome of the game in one way or another, as well as the official standards of the laws of the game world is not available. All information about the game world, wherever it was written, is just a personal opinion of the players that evolved out of rumors, their personal research of the game world or other sources (hypotheses).

B.D.S.M. 04.06.20


Obsessed 04.06.20

hronn, the approach is weird, it is a fact. but there is hardly MUCH shoveled to be able to write nothing and all. :-)

I will say this: some places still have NPC more often than here comes (still, ~stupid) blueprint properties ferocious/grandmasters (top %ed) or staff with, for example 3 cold, 1-3 to # mastery. a strong feeling that something is skewed (there was someone). there is no such feeling.

Navali_volume 04.06.20

Was there ever a mention of the fact that any changes were made?? Can you give a link to read?

firkax 04.06.20

rech idet ne ob izmeneniyah
no naverno eto to chto tebya interesovalo: http://www.rubattle.net/tos/ punkt 11

redoolf 04.06.20

Try to read the topic Changes., there are a lot of references to other topics. But not the fact that anything there can be trusted, because the same subject g_n (administration) great spoke about this:
g_n wrote:
Theme changes that they have not been shown, are only of historical value and are among other such.

Navali_volume 04.06.20

Anyways I realized at a certain point, did the right thing as the only possible, want play want not and [Mat], the atoms will always be someone who do not will hate just based on the rules, the administration can use third party programs to benefit nieradka not reporting, although if the server was mine I would do that)) one thing here is wrong I think the game is nerdy, and wigs is something sick and wrong zadrotstvo which need to be eradicated and then it will be real fun serv.

minovalo 04.06.20

Soon the whiners will samouskorenie.

Obsessed 04.06.20

hronn, it's not particularly worried about a flag for players. just support the server with a status of norm OFK ©. :-)

Navali_volume 04.06.20

On the contrary it seems to me that the more difficult to play the more fun, I suppose I can't understand why Lowe Griffin is vex but to knock it is necessary to make a shitload of races in the pit or somewhere else is there but to vex napraviti have a maximum of a couple hours, it turns out the only way to get rich is the wigs and the wigs are no fun.

Obsessed 04.06.20

what harder to play the more fun
hronn, to draw an analogy with motor racing, then the harder can be expressed as the perverts of the track and the screw sticking out of the driver's seat.

can't understand why Lowe Griffin is vex
because the price set streight. but if it is not right, they can try to influence, to figure out how. the only question is, who cares.

fan wigs one - get runzy is incomparably faster and more reliable than searching for them. every sane, who wants Demo the Sorka, will not seek here runes from mobs. but wigs are not the only way to Bogatitsa, just the most obvious. ;-)

Navali_volume 04.06.20

Just here, the thing that wigs drive smart, glupye of mvery im looking for armor and if the wigs will remove GHGs will begin to die. In any case, better to leave it as is because everything is cool and I love to play here and if things change then things can change)

redoolf 04.06.20

PG will start to die
Sooner finish.

Navali_volume 04.06.20

Oh, there are always a couple of hundred people who will play D2 intermittently. Of course time is not the same but fans nowhere to go except PG, off somehow, no one plays, although I would have bought a license to play there but there is a lot of criticism, and a couple of years ago a friend went off with PG and in a couple of months back saying that there not)

Immense 04.06.20

glupye of mvery im looking for armor
Ie it is not in PG, and the fools? Who prevents you to buy up all the griffons at the vex, and slinging them on LO's ~ the fishing trip?
The answer lies here:
but to get it to do a shitload of races
In the single Yes. But there is not a single, accordingly, the chance of drop of the desired Griffon grows online. People are playing and the armor falls periodically, and eventually redistributed among the players.

Ng is an example of brigantia: aniki.

Obsessed 04.06.20

hronn, I was derailed for a hint of the existence of third-party resources. <:D

Navali_volume 04.06.20

By the way, Yes, who are the masons and why they trigger the Diablo clone and the other not?? I'm following its poor logic, decided that this is a circle of people who slightly gets them illegally and then committed Bagatitsa by sale, explain this point plz, or is it just a workaholic which all the resources invested in Soi and then sell aniki?p. S. yesterday I bought the Griffin for vex.p.with.2 and do not rush me your experience.

Navali_volume 04.06.20

I saw only himself to blame, advertising third-party resources is strictly prohibited!)

Obsessed 04.06.20

hronn, :D let's just say - it's not just a workaholic. ;-} and this is one of the reasons why I do not play here.

Navali_volume 04.06.20

Why you never say specifically and avoiding sharp corners?? I say dumb enough or have enough experience to fully understand the meaning of your message, how to understand not just a workaholic and one of the reasons? It's the Fuckers who plow folders and you don't want to be a sucker??