Usually after the release of Euro...
and since the server emulator is already there, but it is not free..
And you complain that can do a donation. And pirates from the air will rivet (there's even a donut will be even tougher, and may be necessary for survival).
I doubt it, but pirates it is pirates that would surround the player so for the most part, and provide to play without him.
Pirates will be half hours, I think. Although maybe someone does not want to play on official servers...
Lineechny pirates were popular just because in Russia at the beginning of the game was not simple, but even then a play, switched to Euro-off. Immediately it is clear that the game will play on a pirate server will be only those who for some reason are not able to pay for it, if it is F2P then and even more so in a sense they will not.
Show me one pirate in any MMO, in which local riveters were specially fenced players from financial contributions. None of the pirates have a player who would not zadonatil and no pirate server is not squeamish to earn money, but how else? Server from air is not taken, and maintenance it is necessary to carry out. Of course, players can play for free, but not at that level, which offer us the developers.
A donut on pirates even worse than on official servers (and it is unlikely that this donut will be there).
So even if pirates player plays without the donation, he can still meet a player who plays with Donati will play, and, accordingly, will fall from its steep donarski armor and weapons.
I've played on various pirate servers Dylan until I was at the office, Donat is present everywhere. So let's not expect to get such a promising game for free.
smoothly tell. I really like that game on the pirates PW which was unlocked 150 level (offe to Seih long 105) and all closed now Dungey and events worked, in addition to all rates was rabid. Ie I a few days did a full leveling put it in uber armor with MegaStock and stupidly arranged pvp with everything I saw. And everything was in the same armor. Yes I had a little money to fill) but I believe in off of potratil 10 times more and only began to approach priemlemo result.
I'm in the lineup played on the most advanced frishki and surprisingly, Donat there was a very symbolic and special benefits not given, only the unique things like hats and other heresies and good living these frishki. Was frishki with "greedy" about it but they were uninteresting/unpopular.
Personally, I'm on a pvp server PV not a penny was thrown, dressed literally in 2-3 days maximum(depending on server)
pirate server is the wild corner. If off the mess that the pirates on even to think terribly.
It's all about that pirate server will appear very soon. After the release of AA in Russia should take a long time until I do the normal pirates. It's not just took, Yes, copied.
In a very lot of features and functions. While a few people will fix bugs for its pirates, a year or two, no less. And as she AA will not enjoy great popularity, the donut is going to be terribly wild.
And as she AA will not enjoy great popularity
and this paragraph in more detail please.
Unfortunately in Russia we have a subscription are less popular than F2P. So the argument you have watery. And Yes wlusu Fang mod, AA will also be F2P. Because firstly the F2P popularne, and secondly F2P in Korea and developers will be less worn out for the maintenance of the two business models.
Nassih have such a mentality, someone else a freebie to take take. and the fact that in the end pay much more or in case of unwillingness to pay, going to the homeless I understand not all.