Rx460(4gb)Il 1050ti(4gb)
In General I had a war with his brother the other day. The monitor was connected via its VGA screws tightly.he decided to take revenge on me rasharkin my monitorOf course cables are acceptal. He pulled out his roots along the way pepelaev none in half.
Is it worth it to pay 3K for the purchase 1050ти games in FullHD? Because the budget is limited to 11K
Why write unnecessary preamble-history in the key - burnt card, the brother broke, the cat nastsali and so on...
1050 Ti better.
1.It is more productive.
2.95% of the games turned under NVIDIA.Driver better, support Shadow play.
3.Compatibility with old nurse even 2007.Full PCI-E 16x - when the 460-th to 8-s. Which results in bugs and crashes on older models.
(But now is over 11K to take 1060 3 GB or 470-u 4-GB used.A friend sold almost Naleczow 1 month at work.For took 1070.)
Vasek Vasekk
B.do not even look. The town I have is not great, and on lemon the great chance to nabratsya
I had a Sapphire 460 4 GB - the test is 2 days.
The map is very weak to 4 GB it will not pump anywhere they are unnecessary.
If you include the graphics that will go beyond the 2 GB that fps was unplayable 22-24.
The only game it Batman where 4 GB was given favor and fps were kept on high textures at a playable level.
1050 Ti is more powerful on the order - but the stars from the sky is not enough.If you mindlessly put on high and God forbid ultra.
Vasek Vasekk
24фпс not so hot at all. Well, as it never nebylo 60fps on my cope the rules games. The Witcher 3 is generally in the 20-25фпс went all in хд5770 1GB.
And so I plan to gradually apgrejdit the rest of the components, since My Quad q8200 only witch capable of more or less loading none.
To change mother and percents plans not earlier than in half a year.
So I do not know how critical lose its relevance this 1050ти.
To pokupat'll be there in about 2-3 weeks(vidyuhi +monitor= 22k)
If you do not buy the RX 470, you will be in a year much to spare. 1050ti this stuff for its price.
In terms of drivers RADEON much to pump, and all the habit of his curse. Now RADEON is the most optimized software for the video cards, all you need in one program(acceleration, video recording, overclock monitor, optimize game settings, update drivers).
Staferov no. All games except GTA5 does not work is worse than on NVIDIA. Being chased by the map perfectly.
That's a very good card for its price:
On Amazon even cheaper OS version:
Well Amazon order I do not see sense. But the Council will listen to your capital.
PS. And that was already the idea that will go in green camp, though, and the soul closer to AMD as a consumer of the middle segment
The console cut off all, I watch movies, play games, and learn programming etc.