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Hahaha Alexey 08.06.20 07:54 pm

Spear-arrow-club. Something I don't understand. (Far Cry: Primal)

Just started the game.
Is the very first bow. Damage -- 3.
The first stick. Damage-also 3, but the pounding quickly, and on many targets at once.
And here-made the first spear. And what do I see? Damage -- 1.
This is what happens? Spear -- three times weaker than arrows???
What's the point?
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Hahaha Alexey 08.06.20

You say that like FCPrimal -- this is the only game of its kind and no comparison.
As for type of enemy -- kakbe clearly that different enemies-different health and different armor
and what part of his body damaged -- well, there sort of is headshots (in which the damage is multiplied by the secret-yubisofta how), and hit anywhere except the head, where damage standard.
as well as the chosen settings of the -- well, at higher difficulties the enemies hp increases (or the hp of the hero decreases, which is the same thing), and also requires a great accuracy of fire, and the enemies become more sensitive and attentive.
But all this DOES NOT NEGATE the main thing: the INITIAL DAMAGE of each weapon.
It would not hurt if on damage was GENERALLY not known. Type here you have a cudgel, bow and spear, and EB^BS^Vexperience with them as you want. So no! Damage during normal, low punch, painted by the game for each weapon, TOGETHER WITH ALL the IMPROVEMENTS!!! And damage with a strong blow, and when throwing, do not say anything at all!((( Just says he's more. But HOW much more??? Again there would be if this increased it would be for all weapons roughly equal. However... according to the table, the base damage of the spear three times weaker than the arrows, however, when enemies toss me the spear, and archery, I notice that every got me the spear takes me about three times longer life than an arrow. Therefore, spear throwing, increases your damage as much, and TEN TIMES!!!
And the club? If you throw her? Something is not noticeable special effect... or maybe it's just I didn't notice but in fact he is?
A strong blow with a baton (when LMB are pre-clamped)? He Silina Yes. But HOW? Also ten times? Obviously not-otherwise, such a blow could very well, cool opponents to pass. How long then? That runs on my beast. If strong blow stronger than usual two or three times, it is obvious that the first blow should do strong, and then to thresh quickly normal. But if this severe blow stronger than usual more than three times, the logical becomes all the blows to do strong, even skipping the blows of the enemy. How to effectively? And without the damage numbers to know!
That's why I started this topic.
Damage for the normal attack in the game completely painted - for all weapons with all upgrades.
And damage for strong strikes and for throwing... Suddenly someone these numbers found???

kostr184 08.06.20

Hahaha Alexey
Damage to spear the smallest of all weapons when poked,blows
They do not have to beat,it is necessary to throw
Pumped to the max spear with three shots to the head kills the mammoth,it turns out,two times stronger than the double bow. Plus rate of fire - spears rushing quickly after pumping skill :-)