imunitet k fizicheskim atakam (Diablo 2)
vonuchie urodi eti prizraki . ya igrau na varvare frenzi cherez lvl 77 death sleva sprava fortitude. niche ne mogu sdelat ih im pinat po 30 sekund yadom ne variant ibo ih po 10 shtuk zastryal srazu na na 2 akte predposlednem portale che delat? like barotssya s etimi immunimi k fiz atake?????????? kachnul na raz berserka i cheto vseravno neochen. u menya netu kak shita tak voobshe ne planiroval berserka vkachivat ibo frenzi i tolko menya bistro zapinivaut za 3 sekundi minus pol hp. da i ne pomogaet berserk ochen dolgo vseravno byet. che delat?????samoe prostoe - otvesti ih v storonu ot questa i sdelat' ego poka oni ne meshayut
a tak mojno nabirat' k bonusi raznim drugim uronam vrode cold fire light no eto dolgo
Manifold you there.
Hc ппл8
So I always do frenzy brba with ww. Ww through ghosts rode and ran further. Or I leap. Yes, and all the barbarians take the mirror 1 at least.Weird that this topic even exist. Because compared to the paladin, the barbarian is absolutely not to notice the physical imonov.
i che fortitude awesome chtole oruzhie v? norm zhe +200% armora niche ne chustvuu
otvesti v storonu ya ne mogu ya zastryal vo second akte predposledniy portal tam gde summoner . tam otvesti unreal etih prizrakov oni pregrazhdaut put i ya ne mogu proyti. ya dazhe do's runoe slovo Famine Adds 180-200 magic damage Adds 50-200 fire damage Adds 51-250 lightning damage Adds 50-200 cold damage i vseravno ele ele probivaet
ya dazhe do's runoe word Famine
pawson, we have Megaman, the father of all masons. :(
take the sword unik - Azur, it gives the aura ignoramous physisist undead - moreover, your damage on them is even greater than for other napisannym mobs profit. LVL rivers have Azura's tall, Yes, so I have to use a simpler variant - lawbringer Pb is the best Pb to collect - and even the hanging decor!!!
OBS, welcome =)
sweety mustard ochen interesniy sovet. paprobuu etot runeword sobrat's auroy sanctuary
Eh, I would, but Shota is already a sword in hand can not keep - old I got over time :D