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Mr.Oogi-Boodi 08.06.20 09:18 pm

Closes the installer (Grand Theft Auto 4)

Friends! Today I bought the game disc and put it on the download. But at some point setup.exe off. What to do with it?
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Mr.Oogi-Boodi 08.06.20

Fei Fong
Yeah. All except her ustanavlivaetsya. All GTA except chetvertoi. And Weiss sitti, and 3, and San Andreas. All other games are installed.

Mr. Arkham 08.06.20

Mr.Oogi-Boodi, try to install it on another PC to rule out a faulty disc.
Well, direct all Repack not put sounds pretty strange.
Well then, Yes, reinstalling the OS or installing a second operating system can solve the problem in theory. But the reason for closing the application without errors interesting.

Mr.Oogi-Boodi 08.06.20

Mr. Arkham
Fei Fong
In short, using Safe mode, tried - everything is fine unpacked

Intelligento 28.02.21

Mr. Oogi-Boodi
Most likely, your Windows itself (or, in particular, the driver) flew, because of this, your Windows starts to fail. Therefore, you should try to start from safe mode (with support for all drivers). If everything is good, then the problem should be different. ... Perhaps your antivirus is blocked by the installer itself. And if you answer me by type (so I turned it off), maybe it still kills the process through the Task Manager. Try it, just cut off all processes in Task Manager / Process Hacker 2. And then try again to cut the installer. And if it is cut down again after a few seconds, then the files are damaged. You need to download other mods, or as far as I remember, you tried to throw some modpack through the installer. ... If all else fails, alas, you can only manually transfer all the files. In general, my verdict.

Georg0909 03.01.22

you could turn off the avast and that's it