How to open the gate? (Demon's Souls)
In the first world, in the first level after killing a few zombies and turn left there is a small closed gate leading through the dark phantoms of zombie to targesome hero (of Exhibitioner Miralda). How to open this gate?Second time playing and I can't recall that did something to open. Help.
ALeXandeR Umbra
Executioned Miralda = Executioner Miralda
The gate opens only when dostijenii Pure Light or Pure Black world tendencies. In the first case, Miralda will be in body form, the second as a phantom
It all depends on trend of the world (World Tendency). You need to swing it all the way in one of two ways - either white or black, depends on in what form will appear Miralda and what loot you'll get, killing her.
>Exhibitioner Miralda
And Yes, the executioner (executioner) Miralda, not exhibitioner. Where'd you get that word saw.
EDIT (16:27): @ALeXandeR Umbra Heh, synchronous help. PRAISE THE SUN, BRO!