Not saved the file to A+ (The Binding of Isaac)
I had a problem, I downloaded the pirates of The binding of Isaac A+, files of course not, so I had to pass the game with 0. Killing mother, I went the cut-scene (Where the mother killed the Bible (or I XS th is)) I'm the type to celebrate, missed it (just kidding, I have already seen 1,000 times), after the main screen, I want to continue playing, but the file is left empty (Where I passed the game as the same remained empty slot, although there should be a picture with a victory over the mother). Poslushai, I went through the game again, but happened the same problem. I thought it kosyachny pirates, deleted it and downloaded from another site, came, passed, and BAM, again the same problem. In Runet no th no. Who met this problem, write you, because I have ridden look, to swing, to pass.There were a few times. The problem is probably in sofranko
Take a look. Go to C:/ Users/ [User] /My Documents/ My games/ The binding of aftebirth+
And have a look. You got the beginning of the file should be : abp. If not then try to write.
There are error if the computer cannot recognize characters that are written the names of the users
Head Of The Keeper.
There are a lot of files with month. in the likeness of 20170120.abp_persistentgamedata1 20170121.abp_persistentgamedata1, etc of them?
Hmm.. I rocked c VseTop. Everything works perfectly.
As above said
Vanya Soldiers wrote:
There are error if the computer cannot recognize characters that are written the names of the users
Try to go to start And click on his Ava
Then change the name of your account. And restart the Computer